Features overview

Structured web data for better data-driven decisions

From enriching your data to tracking how the use of web technologies changes, you get the most complete answers to your questions.

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Our features


A personalized view of your key metrics and trends

Dashboards bring together all your relevant metrics into one unified view, so you can quickly understand what’s happening, why it may be happening and which actions to take.

Explore Dashboards
A personalized view of your key metrics and trends

Identify websites that use specific software or hosting solutions

Browse through more than 500 ready-made datasets, track monthly changes in the use of web technologies, and get insights into how tech companies are performing on the web.

Explore Recipes
Browse through our pre-filtered datasets

Identify ownership of websites

Determine ownership based on multiple unique attributes such as contact information, Google Analytics ID, business registry number, ZIP code, IP address, website content and DNS records.

Explore Ownership
Identify ownership of websites

Expand your data for better analytics

Complete your list of business registry numbers, addresses, phone numbers or email addresses with the corresponding company websites even if they aren’t active anymore.

Explore Enrichment
Expand your data with enrichment
Search By Example

A ‘more like this’ feature for the most relevant web results

Search By Example gives you the ideal place to start: the URL of your best customer, closest competitor, or dream client. With just a few clicks, you’ll have a comprehensive list of similar companies and leads globally.

Explore Search By Example
A ‘more like this’ feature for online business searches

Start today

Whether you need actionable web data insights for day-to-day projects or for long-term strategies, the answer to your question lies in our structured web data.