Understand the online growth of businesses and services using unique IP resolving
Explore what an IP address of a company can tell you about the online performance of the business

Gain actionable insights into the performance of cloud service providers
Use our Reverse DNS lookup to map a domain name to the IP address of the device hosting that domain and to discover what networks surround it. Explore what’s behind four billion IPv4 addresses, starting from for example, what’s the country and city where the IP address is located? Analyze all clients connected to a particular IP address: how many IP addresses, including subdomains and VPNs, are hosted at the data centers of Amazon Web Services (AWS)? Use this data for a more solid prognosis of how the cloud service provider is performing online.
Track growth and decline over time
Understand the expansion of a web technology or service and how it’s operating. Get a complete overview of its web assets within seconds. Measure the number of clients connected to it and track how this changes every month to determine how fast the company’s assets are growing. For example, how big is AWS? How many machines are being used? Uncover the IP addresses of all machines connected to AWS. Use this data as an indication of how AWS is performing as a cloud provider.
Focus on specific data segments for in-depth analytics
Apply 12 unique data points, so you can extract exhaustive domain insights into the substantive networks of domains and IPs you want to research. Filter the results by subdomains and top-level domains, AS number (the company that is responsible for the network on which the website is hosted), internet service provider, type of subdomain (a database, email service or a virtual machine) and more. Track if the network of a certain cloud service provider has been growing or declining: select the fields ‘First seen’ and ‘Last seen’ which indicate when our spider could resolve the connection for the first and last time and measure the difference in records.
Get started
Whether you need actionable web data insights for day-to-day projects or for long-term strategies, the answer to your question lies in our structured web data.