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About BigCommerce

BigCommerce was founded in Sydney, Australia in 2009 by Australians Eddie Machaalani and Mitchell Harper, who met in an online chatroom in 2003. One year after meeting, Machaalani and Harper launched their first company, Interspire, which evolved into BigCommerce The company opened its first United States office in Austin, Texas in 2009. BigCommerce operates a software-as-a-service platform for small businesses, mid-markets, and large enterprises in the United States. BigCommerce provides software to businesses that helps them set up and manage online and mobile stores, handle payments and currency conversions.

About this recipe

BigCommerce is a (SaaS) eCommerce solution that allows business owners to set up an online store and sell their products on the web. BigCommerce is mainly aimed at people without much in the way of web design skills but it also allows developers to tweak the HTML and CSS of their stores.

Use cases

  • Track the number of installments
  • Create a lead list with websites
  • Create a data set for marketing research

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