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About Engintron

Engintron will improve the performance and web serving capacity of your server, while reducing CPU/RAM load at the same time.

About this recipe

Engintron is an open-source Nginx installer to integrate Nginx on cPanel servers. Engintron will improve the performance and web serving capacity of your server, while reducing CPU/RAM load at the same time. It does that by installing and configuring the popular Nginx webserver to act as a reverse caching proxy for static files (like CSS, JS, images etc.) with an additional micro-cache layer to significantly improve performance for dynamic content generated by CMSs like WordPress, Joomla or Drupal as well as forum software like vBulletin, phpBB, SMF, IPB or e-commerce solutions like Magento, OpenCart, PrestaShop and others.

Use cases

  • Track the number of installments

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