Recipes overview
GMO Web hosting

GMO Web hosting

1.8M records
Asset management
Open recipe
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About GMO

GMO Internet Group develops Internet Infrastructure, online advertising and media, internet finance, and cryptoassets (cryptocurrency) businesses. It is a market leader for domain names and web hosting services in Japan. The company operates under the corporate slogan of "Internet for Everyone" and offers employee benefits such as a 24-hour staff canteen which provides free meals, childcare facilities, and so on. Furthermore, some employees also have the option to receive their salaries in bitcoin.

About this recipe

GMO Web hosting is a member of the GMO Internet Group. GMO Web hosting is a market leader for domain names and web hosting services in Japan and operates different labels for domain registration such as, GMO Cloud Public and Lolipop.

Use cases

  • Track the number of installments
  • Create a lead list with websites
  • Create a data set for marketing research

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