Recipes overview
Litespeed Cache

Litespeed Cache

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About LiteSpeed Technologies

LiteSpeed Technologies, founded in 2002, is a leading software company specializing in web server technology. Headquartered in New Jersey, USA, the company has gained recognition for its high-performance web server software, LiteSpeed Web Server, which offers remarkable speed and efficiency for serving web content. LiteSpeed's focus on optimizing web performance has made it a trusted choice for numerous businesses and hosting providers, contributing to faster and more responsive websites across the internet. Through continuous innovation and a commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions, LiteSpeed Technologies has become a prominent player in the web server industry.

About this recipe

LiteSpeed Cache is a robust caching plugin designed to significantly boost website speed and performance. It provides full-page caching, image optimization, CSS and JavaScript minification, browser caching, and more. LiteSpeed Cache is known for its efficiency in reducing page load times, making it an excellent choice for improving the user experience and SEO rankings of websites powered by LiteSpeed Web Server.

Use cases

  • Track the number of installments
  • Create a lead list with websites
  • Create a data set for marketing research

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