Recipes overview
Pipedrive Leadbooster

Pipedrive Leadbooster

5.9K records
Marketing and Sales
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About Pipedrive

Pipedrive is a cloud-based software as a service company. It is the developer of the web application and mobile app Pipedrive, a sales customer relationship management (CRM) tool. The company has more than 900 employees in its ten offices across Europe and one office in the US, and its CRM is used by over 95,000 customers around the world. In 2020 Pipedrive became the fifth Estonian-founded unicorn.

About this recipe

LeadBooster is Pipedrive's easy to use lead generation tool including a chatbot, live chat, prospecting database and web forms. Pipedrive’s Chatbot can be compared to a tireless team member who instantly engages your website visitors 24/7. With live chat you can let available sales reps add a human touch when needed. The prospecting database is a global database of over 400 million profiles and 10 million companies. Additionaly you can add web forms to your website to give your inbound leads an easy and reliable way to share their contact information with you.

Use cases

  • Track the number of installments
  • Create a lead list with websites

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