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SolarWinds Pingdom

SolarWinds Pingdom

12.3K records
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About SolarWinds

SolarWinds Inc. is an American company that develops software for businesses to help manage their networks, systems, and information technology infrastructure. It is headquartered in Austin, Texas, with sales and product development offices in a number of locations in the United States and several other countries. The company was publicly traded from May 2009 until the end of 2015, and again from October 2018. It has also acquired a number of other companies, some of which it still operates under their original names, including Pingdom, Papertrail and Loggly. It had about 300,000 customers as of December 2020, including nearly all Fortune 500 companies and numerous federal agencies.

About this recipe

Pingdom is a global performance and availability monitoring solution for websites, applications and servers. With their comprehensive monitoring platform, they help deliver the best possible web experience. Pingdom has servers located in several countries used to measure the latency of the websites it monitors. It can report whether a website is down due to network splits or failure in DNS servers. Pingdom functions by regularly pinging websites to check whether the site is accessible to users. The software will continuously ping the website at higher rates until it determines that it is again operational. Pingdom also generates a report detailing how long the site was down. The user receives an email notifying them of any downtime as soon as it occurs and again when it ends. The monitoring tool can also determine how long it takes a website to load fully, how many files it constitutes, and the number of scripts and images required to load.

Use cases

  • Track the number of installments
  • Create a lead list with websites
  • Create a data set for marketing research

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