Using structured data to fight brand infringement

The challenge
Leading fashion brands were experiencing global problems with brand infringement and counterfeit goods being offered through fake online stores. These fake stores are using the brand to mislead consumers. They’re also damaging the brand image.
The solution
Within, every website holds a trust grade, ranging from A to F. A stands for trustworthy, F for being the most unreliable. We filtered out all websites with trust grades E and F. We then searched through the search graph for specific brands and enriched these results with the domain registration and hosting company information and where possible ownership information. This way, the brands could instantly send out the notice and takedown letters.
The result
A quick and thorough way to find and take on infringers.
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Whether you need actionable web data insights for day-to-day projects or for long-term strategies, the answer to your question lies in our structured web data.